Virtual Reality Relaxation & Meditation

To prevent spam, we kindly request to create an account prior to accessing the VR content. It’s currently FREE.

Cool Quietude now offers 360 degree, an immersive virtual reality (VR) relaxation and meditation experience! Reduce stress and promote a sense of calm in your daily life.

The experience is designed to be simple and intuitive, so you can explore the virtual world in your own time. There are a number of options that can help you create the perfect relaxation experience for yourself, including: listening to relaxing music; choosing from a range of soothing sounds.

To enter, use a browser on any device such as desktop, tablet or smartphone.

However, for the optimum experience, we strongly encourage using Oculus Quest 2 or other VR devices. Simply access this page via the VR browser, and select the VR icon on top right navigation.

Note, to prevent spam, we kindly request to create an account prior accessing the VR content. It’s currently FREE.

We will be adding more VR experiences in the near future.

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Email us with questions or suggestions.

The Cool Quietude Team

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